“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”③~Sharing Our Struggles~

“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”
We have published the following articles as part of the above series:
“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”①~Taking Care of Yourself~

“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”②~Pursuing Your Life Goal~

In this series of articles, we talk with people who have learned about well-being and ask them how they’ve internalized that knowledge and for them to tell their stories.
In this article, we’ll continue talking about our SPIRE workshops. This time, we’ll be focusing on sharing the experience of the guest speaker for our workshop on emotional well-being, Mr. Hisanori Tanaka, General Manager of the Sales Outsourcing Division of WILL GROUP subsidiary WILL OF WORK.
Mr. Tanaka learned about the importance of emotional well-being during one of the most difficult times of his adult life. We plan to share with you what Mr. Tanaka told us of his experiences, as well as his hopes for the future.
(SPIRE is a framework of well-being made by Tal Ben-Shahar; you can find more explanation on it here.)
The Year as a General Manager
“In April 2018, I was promoted to the role of general manager of sales outsourcing. When I started, we were way behind our financial targets, and at the rate we were going, it looked like we could be underperforming the entire fiscal year.
“And of course, I had to find that out when I was in the hospital, of all places. I had just undergone surgery, and was wondering how things were going. So, I checked on my computer… and then I slammed it shut, still half in a daze from the shock. If we were going to make a comeback, we were going to have to earn a lot of money. And that’s how I started out my term as a GM.”
Despite this major setback, Mr. Tanaka had never really failed at anything since entering the workforce, so he thought that maybe there was a chance he could fix things. That if anyone could do it, he could. Mr. Tanaka says he tried to think positively,
“However, no matter what kind of comeback plan I tried to stage, nothing really worked. It was a terrible time, filled with desperation and anxiety and anger. And around Obon*, I noticed I was starting to be affected physically. I was smoking more—I would take a smoke break basically every half-hour. I would come home, exhausted, and just collapse on my bed. I would just sit there, and before I knew it, I’d have spent two hours just staring at the ceiling.”
*Obon is a Japanese holiday to honor ancestral spirits. Obon is normally celebrated in mid-to-late summer, and is associated with an accompanying break, where many will return to their hometowns.
Comeback, comeback, comeback. No matter how much Mr. Tanaka tried, the odds seemed insurmountable. He started to realize that he wasn’t going to be able to turn things around. But he couldn’t admit that out loud. He had to keep trying, even if it was impossible.
“It was at the end of December that they demoted me from my manager position. I didn’t even know what to say. I felt like I was being swallowed up by this strange mix of feelings—frustration, bitterness, and a strange sense of acceptance. I felt the fruitlessness of my efforts. I ultimately wasn’t able to right the loss we felt in April.”
Just as it seems like Mr. Tanaka’s struggle was over, he soon found himself facing true despair.
“I wasn’t able to give back to my team, who supported me even when I was suffering. Nor was I able to give back to my family, who were so understanding when I had to work late nights and holidays. It was so heart-rending I’m struggling to put the feeling into words. And what was really painful for me was that when the next fiscal year started, I had to tell all of my clients that I had been demoted. To tell the people who just a year and a half ago were celebrating my promotion that I had been demoted…it wasn’t just awkward, but honestly heartbreaking to tell them I had let them down.”
Grasping the Importance of Emotional Well-being through Struggle
“Sure, I may have been demoted, and my pay went down drastically as a result, but I was strangely really happy. I wondered what this kind of happiness that had been brought forth from my misery was.”
“Reflecting on it now, the thing that was the worst wasn’t failing. Rather, it’s the fact that I wasn’t able to really convey the reality of the situation to my coworkers and my superiors—whether that be the reality of our operations, our financial results, or even the reality of the toll the whole situation was taking on my mental state. I also realize now how difficult it was for me to bear the burden of that pain and not be able to share it with anyone. When I left my GM position, and I became the subordinate of the new GM, I felt this sense of relief wash over me. The culture was different—my new boss and coworkers were the kind of people I could ask anything. It was from this experience that I realized the importance of the bonds with your coworkers and the importance of sharing your feelings with them. Not only that, but I feel like I’ve come to understand how important emotional well-being is to doing your best work.”
In a wonderful turn of fate, it turns out that Mr. Tanaka will be reassuming his role as general manager—something he found out the very same day as our SPIRE workshop. I (Toriyabe) certainly wasn’t expecting that turn of events when I asked Mr. Tanaka to speak back in September 2021.
“For me to be re-promoted on the same day as me sharing the story of my demotion—it’s honestly a kind of surreal feeling. In order to rise to this challenge, I hope to learn from my past experience. I want to create a sales department where people don’t do what I did—where they don’t bottle up their sadness and their struggles.
What’s Important for Maintaining Emotional Well-being
I (Toriyabe) would like to share some things I learn from one of Dr. Ben-Shahar’s seminars (based on notes I took during the seminar).
Suppressing negative emotions can actually make them worse. However, if you express those emotions, they can resolve themselves. Some things that are particularly effective are talking to someone who’s a good listener (someone who will actively listen to you without judging you) or writing down your feelings.
It seems that Mr. Tanaka learned something similar through his own experiences.
I’d like to conclude by sharing some words that Dr. Ben-Shahar said that still stick with me on the topic (paraphrased from my notes).
It’s impossible to live a life completely free of negative emotions. Unfortunately, many people seem to have the idea that happiness means never experiencing negative emotions, that positivity means never feeling anything negative. The only people who never experience negative feelings are psychopaths and corpses. Negative emotions come part and parcel with being human. We should allow ourselves to feel those emotions. I call this giving ourselves “the permission to be human.” To fulfill our potential for happiness, we must first embrace unhappiness. This is the foundation on which a life of well-being can be built.
While it is true that we will all experience negativity and unhappiness, I hope that learning from Mr. Tanaka and Dr. Ben-Shahar will help you learn how to deal with—how to live with—those feelings.
Well-being についての「誰かの物語」そして「あなたの物語」③~苦しみを分かち合う~
“Well-being についての「誰かの物語」そして「あなたの物語」”
“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”①~自分を大切にする~

“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”②~人生の目的を探求する~

第3弾の今回は、SPIREの中の「Emotional Well-being」を取り上げるワークショップにゲストスピーカーとして登壇した、WILL GROUPの子会社、WILL OF WORK社のセールスアウトソーシング部門のトップを務める田中寿昇事業部長の物語です。
苦しい経験からつかんだEmotional Well-beingのために大切なこと
Emotional Well-beingのために大切なこと
私(鳥谷部)は、タル・ベン・シャハー博士からEmotional Well-beingについて次のようなことを教わりました。(セミナーでのメモから引用)
人生からネガティブ感情を排除することはできません。しかし、多くの人は「ハッピーとはネガティブ感情を経験しないこと」「ポジティブであるとはネガティブ感情を持たないこと」と誤解しています。ネガティブ感情を経験しないのはサイコパスか死人だけです。人間である我々はネガティブ感情を当然経験します。私たちは人間であることを許しましょう。(PERMISSION TO BE HUMAN)不幸せを抱きしめなければ幸せで満たすことはできないのです。(To fulfill our potential for happiness,we must first enbrace unhappiness.)この学習が、真にwell-beingに生きるためのよき土壌となります。