“Well-being Stories” and “Your Story”②~Pursuing Your Life Goal~

In our last article, we started a new series, which we are calling “Well-being Stories and Your Story.”
Link to our previous article below:

In this article, we explained our desire to tell the stories of people learning about well-being. Through telling the stories of those individuals and explaining how they internalized what they learned, and how the implement those teachings in their lives, we hope that readers will be inspired to improve their own well-being.
In our second edition of “Well-being Stories and Your Story”, we’ll be discussing the SPIRE workshop focusing on spiritual well-being. In particular, I want to tell the story of our guest speaker, Mr. Sumi, president of Will Group’s subsidiary Will of Construction. He shared with me and the workshop participants the story of how he found his meaning and purpose in life.
(For those of you who haven’t read our previous articles, SPIRE is a framework of conceptualizing well-being created by Tal Ben-Shahar. You can read about it and how we are using it in our company here.)
A long journey in the tunnel of self-reflection
There was only one phrase on the first slide of Mr. Sumi’s presentation on meaning and purpose: “I don’t know”. I’m sure the participants were surprised to see that.
“Honestly, there was a time when I would get really bothered when people would ask me what my goal in life is. I mean, I myself didn’t even know. Given that I’m supposed to me leading a business, the fact that I couldn’t admit that caused me a lot of distress. I was like that up until relatively recently, even.”
Well-being research indicates to us that having a goal in life is important. I’m sure that even if you don’t know the research that you have probably felt from experience the difference in quality of life when you have a purpose vs. when you don’t.
Speaking of which, though, I’ve found that when you try to seek out meaning and purpose in your life, you can’t really find it. Even when you think you have, you wake up the next day and feel something’s off. Then as a result, you might feel like you haven’t progressed, and get down on yourself.
Mr. Sumi describes this feeling well. “It felt like I was walking inside a tunnel. A tunnel so dark you can’t see any light ahead.
Meaning and purpose come from the heart, not the head
One thing that helped Mr. Sumi with his process of self-reflection was his experience with trail running. He says,
“While at first, I was only able to run five kilometers, as I got in better shape, I found myself wanting to take on greater challenges, to run farther and farther. Right now, I’ve been really into running on mountain trails, and even ran 160 km the other day. It’s not only been a really great experience for me, but it’s also helped me find my purpose.”
So how is trail running related to finding meaning in life?
“I found that whether it was work or running, I really liked the feeling of seeing myself grow. Of course, in order to grow as a person, you have to challenge yourself. In other words, continually challenging myself itself gave me meaning. I believe that a life where I believe in my own possibility and challenge myself is, for me, what a meaningful life looks like. It took a while, but through coaching and a lot of self-reflection, I was finally able to come to this realization. And even then, it took me even long to be able to finally express that feeling in words.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that my meaning was challenging myself to new things. To me, the ultimate challenge is working together as a company to bring well-being to the world.”
So, what is it like for Mr. Sumi, now that he’s finally cleared the long tunnel of self-reflection? What kind of advice would he give to his past self?
“They say that the left brain is the more logical and analytical part of the brain. When it comes to finding the meaning of your life, though, I just don’t think it’s something you can’t find logically.
Ways we can find our purpose in life
I (Toriyabe) learned a lot from listening to Mr. Sumi’s talk. Namely, that meaning and purpose are things we gradually discover over time. As long as we hold onto that hope to find them, and continue our journey of self-discovery, we will surely be met with something wonderful.
When I reflect on my own experiences, I find myself agreeing—even I didn’t always know what my own purpose was.
I’ve found that purpose isn’t black or white—something you have or you don’t. Rather, it’s something you uncover over time, through turning your attention to what’s meaningful in your daily life.
That process of discover in and of itself is meaningful. As you find out more and more about yourself, as you find more and more, those experiences build over time to coalesce into something you want to dedicate your life to. That’s when purpose takes form.
In other words, I think it’s more important to focus on the everyday experiences that bring value and meaning to your life. There’s no need to obsess about finding your purpose.
So what does it even mean for something to be ”valuable” or “meaningful”? I define it in the following ways:
・Something that, though it may be difficult, elicits a deep feeling of fun and joy
・Something you discover and create yourself (In other words, it can’t be given to you by others)
・Something unique to you (It’s okay if others don’t get it)
・Something that isn’t objective (there aren’t things that are “more” or “less” meaningful in an objective way; if something has meaning to you, then that’s true for you regardless of how anyone else feels)
・Something that’s connected to helping you grow and change positively
・Something that gives you motivation
Hopefully, this definition can serve as a sort of guide to help you find what’s meaningful in your life, and ultimately discover your purpose.
I hope that we can create a world where everyone can find and live their purpose.
With respect to spiritual well-being, Tal Ben-Shahar says the following in his book Happier.
①A purposeful life is a spiritual life
②The ordinary is elevated to the extraordinary through mindful presence
I’ll give my thoughts and then end this article.
The “spiritual” is not necessarily the “religious”. Rather, it is to find meaning in your job, in your everyday life, and that meaning can be big or small. If you are able to learn to turn your attention to these aspects of your life, you will surely find them. Through that, even the everyday mundanity can yield great experiences. In every moment of our life, we’re met with countless wonders. Through activities such as mindfulness meditation, we can grow our ability to be present in the now, to realize all the wonderful things around us. Doing so will transform our lives in meaningful ways.
Well-being についての「誰かの物語」そして「あなたの物語」②~人生の目的を探求する~
前回の記事から“Well-being についての「誰かの物語」そして「あなたの物語」”をスタートしました。

第2弾の今回は、SPIREの中の「Spiritual Well-being」を取り上げるワークショップにゲストスピーカーとして登壇した、WILL GROUPの子会社、WILLOF CONSTRUCTIONの代表、角社長が「人生の目的」に出会うまでの物語の一部をシェアします。(※SPIREとは、タル・ベン・シャハー博士によるWell-being理論です)
Spiritual Well-beingについて、タル・ベン・シャハー博士の『HAPPIER』には次のような言葉があります。
①A purposeful life is a spiritual life
②The ordinary is elevated to the extraordinary through mindful presence