Undertaking New Initiatives: SPIRE Workshops and the Collaboration for Well-being

Sharing our well-being discoveries with the world
This article marks the start of a new initiative we are starting here at Will Group. As a company that has made improving the well-being of the world part of its mission, we have started a number of projects to improve well-being within the company. In this series of articles, we will be sharing some of these projects.
We hope that through this series, we can provide inspiration to those aiming to improve their own well-being or the well-being of others. We believe that working to raise well-being, like so many other things, is a group effort rather than an individual undertaking.
In order to expand the scope of people whom we can reach, this article has been translated into English from its original Japanese. You can find more about the author and translator below.
Daiki Toriyabe
*Internal coach for Will Group’s HR Development Department
*CTI Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
*Moved to Kumejima in Okinawa Prefecture in 2020 in order to live a life of well-being -
Devon Gunter
*Researcher for Will Group’s HR Development Department
*Harvard University Graduate (Class of 2020)
*Became interested in working in Japan after an internship interviewing Great East Japan Earthquake survivors
*You can also find more detailed information about Will Group at our company homepage below:
SPIRE—A simple and easy to understand positive psychology framework
My primary focus in this article is SPIRE, a positive psychology framework created by Tal Ben-Shahar, and the workshops I initiated based on it. Dr. Ben-Shahar is a researcher and writer who is well known for the courses on happiness he taught at Harvard University. Before I introduce the actual theory of SPIRE, I want to first talk about how I learned of SPIRE and the role it has been playing in our company.
In December of 2019, Dr. Ben-Shahar visited Japan—his second time—to hold a seminar, which I (Toriyabe) was able to attend. At this seminar, he introduced the concept of SPIRE. I remember sitting there and thinking to myself about how easy to understand and implement the model was.
Given that my role at Will Group focuses on improving employee well-being, I thought it might be interesting to tell some of my coworkers about SPIRE. I found that they agreed with me that SPIRE was a good framework for conceptualizing well-being, so I decided to start a workshop focusing on it.
So what is SPIRE?
In his book, Happier, No Matter What: Cultivating Hope, Resilience, and Purpose in Hard Times, Dr. Ben-Shahar writes about SPIRE in detail (link below).

Having read Happier, No Matter What and finding it incredibly useful, I would like to share the basics of SPIRE, which go as follows:
※SPIRE is a framework demonstrating what is necessary for us to achieve a more holistic, well-being, or happiness.
※Dr. Ben-Shahar calls this “wholeperson well-being”, or wholebeing.
※SPIRE is an acronym composed of five core elements that help us attain wholebeing. The five elements are as follows:
- Spiritual well-being
- Physical well-being
- Intellectual well-being
- Relational well-being
- Emotional well-being
Dr. Ben-Shahar believes that by focusing on these five elements, we can work to overcome challenges and ultimately become happier. Working to increase our happiness through attending to our well-being can potentially bring a variety of positive experiences to our lives.
SPIRE Workshops: Centering the Voices of The Front Office in HR initiatives
I think that there are two things that make the SPIRE workshops that I’ve been holding unique:
・Firstly, each session focuses on one of the five elements of SPIRE (for example, we recently held a session focusing on physical well-being). For each session, a manager or executive from one of our group companies shares their expertise related to that element.
・Secondly, each seminar gives an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences and thoughts on each respective element of well-being.
In each session, I work with around 30 passionate individuals to deepen our knowledge of this model.
During our first seminar, we had an executive officer from Will Group join as a guest. He discussed the positive changes he saw through implementing SPIRE into his daily life, what kinds of changes he noticed when he began practicing mindfulness, and shared what kind of mindfulness training he is engaging in currently, as well as how we can build a mindfulness habit.
During our second seminar, we had a manager from the call center section of our group company Will of Work join us. Prior to joining the Will Group community, he was a personal trainer, with experience training over 3000 different people. He told us about the importance of actively training your body and paying attention to your how your body is feeling on a daily basis.
What better person could we have selected to talk about physical well-being?
He also touched on how we can reduce the damage to our bodies caused by a sedentary lifestyle. He taught the participants simple and effective ways we can pay attention to key parts of our body, like stretches for our neck, shoulders, and back, amongst others.
Below are some comments from our participants taken from a debriefing survey:
・It was a wonderful experience to get this kind of insider knowledge. Normally, you’d have to spend a lot of free time and money to get this kind of experience, but I was able to get it for free at work. It was a great chance to let out the stress that comes from work and refresh my body.
・I had always thought of my physical health and my work as separate, but now I realize how intertwined work performance and your health are. It seems so obvious in retrospect.
・The stress of childcare had caused me to have migraines, but the exercises we were taught during the seminar really took care of that. They’re so simple, you can do them while watching TV! My physical well-being has definitely gone up.
Changing our Perspective and Way of Being as a Department
Up until now, the HR Development Department has mainly focused on providing workshops and training to help improve employee well-being.
While I would like to continue these endeavors, I also believe there’s a need for us to seriously rethink our way of doing things going forward.
This is because the HR development department has been the major force behind these workshops. Although our initiatives are targeted at employees in sales, those employees haven’t had an active voice in designing the programs targeted towards them. And while it may be true that we have been able to achieve success in the past creating programs this way, I can’t help but think that our heavy involvement in these initiatives has limited their scope.
If we look across our group companies, we actually find that there are many wonderful people with great ideas and experience outside of the HR Development Department. For example, the manager I mentioned before who discussed exercise. Had we not reached out beyond our department, we wouldn’t have been able to learn what we did about exercise and physical well-being
This is why, going forward, instead of HR being the sole source of ideas, I would like to collaborate with those from sales—the front office. Through this effort, I feel confident that we will be able to think up ways to improve well-being that we, as an HR department, couldn’t do on our own. In fact, the seminars I’ve held so far serve as a testament as to what we can do when we put our heads together.
I truly think that collaboration and co-creation are keys to helping increase well-being. Through collaborative work, we find ourselves discovering things we wouldn’t alone, and we are better able to develop those new ideas we find. Moreover, through this process, we build better relationships. That is why I am interested in working with others—both within and outside Will Group—under the umbrella of “Collaboration for Well-being”.
鳥谷部大樹(Daiki Toriyabe)
・株式会社ウィルグループ 人材開発部 社内コーチ
・米国CTI認定 Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
・東京から沖縄県の離島 久米島に移住しwell-beingな暮らしを実現 -
ガンターオニールデボン (Devon Gunter)
・株式会社ウィルグループ 人材開発部 研究者

*S・P・I・R・E5つの領域がwell-beingである状態を「完全なwell-being=Whole Being」と呼びます。
Spiritual well-being[精神のwb]
Physical well-being[身体のwb]
Intellectual well-being[知性のwb]
Relational well-being[人間関係のwb]
Emotional well-being[感情のwb]
・特に、Spiritual well-beingのために推奨される「マインドフルネストレーニング」に効果を感じていること
まさに、Physical well-beingについてのプロなのです。
・子育てによって肩こりや頭痛に悩まされていたが、今回のエクササイズは取り組みやすいし気持ちいい。しかも、テレビを見ながらでもできるので時間の捻出にも困らない。Physical well-beingが向上した。
Collaboration for Well-Being